Tuesday 12 May 2015

Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Street Gangs, Organised Crime and Revolution!

Image from the Assassin's Creed UK site

Polygon says the new Assassin's Creed which was revealed 12th May at 5pm UK time is actually called Syndicate and not Victory.

Other than the name change all else is expected from the new instalment. The game will feature an assassin called Jacob Frye and will...

 ''transport millions of gamers to an astonishing recreation of London during the Industrial Revolution they will find themselves immersed in a game world they'll have to see to believe...''

Image from AC US site showing a set of brass knuckles lying on a table with the words carved ''God save the Queen'' and ''Rooks'' beside an image of a bird

I couldn't agree more with that statement. The Industrial Revolution was such a pivotal time not only just for London but the whole of Great Britain. It changed the way we lived and sparked new ways of thinking for our society including the birth of social sciences like sociology and social history, and ultimately created the society we live in today! Through these social sciences came about new ways of living, introducing the working age, anyone being able to go to school and introducing health and safety rules for workers as during the Victorian age it was a bleak and dangerous time. I think it's great that Ubisoft has given the UK a chance to show it's importance to the world, how it influenced other countries and puts us on the map that little bit more, so we aren't just known for royals and tea! I cannot wait to explore London at such a dark yet significant time of history!

Ubisoft officially unveiled Assassin's Creed Syndicate via livestream on the 12th May at 5pm UK time.

Skip to 14:00 and watch the reveal here! 

I think I'm most excited about the change in combat dynamics. Now that we are in a much more modern era compared to previous Assassin's Creeds, it isn't legal to walk around with a sword and pistol, so it seems hand to hand combat is going to become much faster and on a much larger scale, involving trains and horse carriages. I think this might be the stealthiest Assassin's Creed yet to come as you can't just walk into a situation head on any more without facing the consequences not only from your Templar foes but trying to slip out of the hands of the police force.

I was a little bit concerned however for the carriage riding (possibly might be one of the games downfalls), I think for me it's going to get in the way a lot particularly when trying to escape from enemies or chasing foes and I might just find myself screaming at my tv screen. On the plus side Ubisoft are giving us the gift of using the environment to our advantage, didn't show much but a pallet loaded with barrels being shot off it's harness onto an enemy so I'll be looking forward to seeing some more gameplay footage regarding that.

As stated in the reveal, we now face an environment that is no longer ruled by religion or kings and queens but by money. With the increase in technology, transport and trade this sparked new opportunities for opportunists and burglars, so I think we'll get to delve into causes and reasons to London's street gangs, the beginnings of white collar and organised crime. Are you excited? I sure am! 

Let me know what you guys thought of the reveal, what are you most looking forward to?

Assassin's Creed Sydicate is set to be released on Xbox One and PS4 October 2015 and Fall 2015 for PC


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