Friday 25 July 2014

'Video Games Don't Make Good Movies'

Ratchet and Clank, World of Warcraft & Minecraft! : Could this be the end to the notion?


Yes you read correctly, all the above games are currently in production or pre-production and are ready to hit your cinema screens as of next year and 2016 (no wonder the years go so fast when we have this to look forward to!). Ratchet and Clank seems more believable, even World of Warcraft but Minecraft, a block-building game to be made into a film? I imagine it will be very similar to the Lego Movie which was hilarious and I imagine the target audience will be children. According to sources one of the producers from the Lego Movie is handling the project so thumbs up there. They aren't too sure of what the plot may be as work on the film is at a very early stage as is yet to be discussed hence why the film is set to being released in 2016 but I hope it at least touches the comedy of Lego Movie.

World of Warcraft on the other hand could possibly target an older audience and I would personally want them to because I think children get enough fantasy films!! Duncan Jones, director of Source Code is set to direct the epic which also leads me to think the target audience may be older. Rumours are flying all over the place of who will be taking the casting roles including Colin Farrel (Phonebooth), Anton Yelchin (Star Trek) and Paul Dano (Prisoners). For them to consider these actors could result the film swinging either way as all actors have starred in real gritty dramas or epics and comedies or animation. No hints on the plot yet but sources say that it will most likely involve aliens and time travel. Production is already undergo and release is set for 2015.

World of Warcraft

There's been so much speculation around making games into films including Metal Gear Solid, Halo and Gears of War but do you blame them, these games have a reputation to uphold and to be fair there have been incidents in the past where some didn't do very well *cough cough* Street Fighter. It saddens me to say that there aren't any teasers or trailers for Minecraft or WWC but I can show you the trailer for Ratchet and Clank. The film will include all the original voice actors of the gaming series and as a fan of the gaming franchise I will be seeing it and I will have high hopes for it! Enjoy! 

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